Wheelchair distribution in Prayagraj Supported by JIV Daya

Wheelchair distribution in Prayagraj

सेवा संकल्प द्वारा आज माण्डा ब्लॉक प्रयागराज के ग्रामीणक्षेत्रों के दिव्यांगों को ट्राईसाईकल एवं व्हीलचेयर तथा सेवा संकल्प द्वारा संचालित शिशु वाटिका स्कूल (सामान्य, दिव्यांगजन एवं मानसिक विक्षिप्त बच्चों हेतु निःशुल्क आवासीय विद्यालय) को जैकेट ,गरम वस्त्रों का का वितरण कैबिनेट मिनिस्टर श्री नंद गोपाल गुप्ता नंदी जी एवं श्री नंद किशोर जी जिला दिव्यांगजन सशक्तीकरण अधिकारी प्रयागराज के करकमलों से किया गया।(बिना किसी सरकारी अनुदान के सहयोगियों के सहयोग से वितरण किया गया)

Blanket Distribution in Lucknow Supported by SBI

Blanket Distribution in Lucknow

सेवा संकल्प द्वारा समय समय पर जरूरतमंद और निर्धन लोगों को दवाएं,कपड़े एवं अन्य जरूरत के सामान वितरित किये जाते है।आज नव वर्ष 2021 के शुभारंभ में सेवा संकल्प एवं भारतीय स्टेट बैंक लखनऊ मंडल द्वारा लखनऊ के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में कम्बल वितरण अभियान का शुभारंभ श्री अजय कुमार खन्ना जी (महा उपप्रबंधक-भारतीय स्टेट बैंक) के कर कमलों से कम्बल वितरण कर के किया।

Diwali Celebration 2020

Diwali Celebration 2020

Diwali Celebration 2020

Diwali Celebration 2020

सेवा संकल्प के कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा लखनऊ,बटाला पंजाब एवं उत्तराखंड ग्राम के chanfi ,भीमताल की मलिन बस्तियो में संचालित सेवा संकल्प निःशुल्क शिक्षा केन्द्र के बच्चों संग दीपावली का पर्व उन्हें अनार,चकरगिन्नि,फुलझड़ी,मिठाई,फल , कही पका हुआ भोजन तो कही राशन सामग्री बाँट कर मनाया गया।आपके सहयोग का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।आपके सहयोग और साथ से ही इस कोविद 19 की दुर्लभ स्थितियो मे सेवा संकल्प इन्हें खुशियां बांट पाया है।शीघ्र ही माण्डा ब्लॉक के अन्य 300 निर्धन परिवारों को राशन किट भी बांटी जाएगी।यदि आप या आपका कोई सहयोगी इस कार्य मे अपना अंशदान करना चाहे तो दिए गर नंबर पर संपर्क करेI 9621776704/9621771119


DRY Ration Kits Distribution Phase 1 Completed


During this Pandemic Situation Sewa Sankalp Organization Lucknow has decided to distribute 1000 Dry Ration Kits for poor Marginal families of Manda Block Prayagraj.

In first phase Sewa Sankalp has distributed Dry Ration Kits to 311 families with support of JIV DAYA FOUNDATION (U.S.A)
Sewa Sankalp Organization members are very thankful to JIV DAYA FOUNDATION U.S.A. for giving us the opportunity of Ration distribution in bulk.

Sewa Sankalp Organization is very thankful to our supporting members for providing support ( financial & groceries )

We are looking forward for your help and support in Future also for all events and social works. Ration distribution was not possible without the support of Jiva Daya Foundation U.S.A, Sewa Sankalp Members and volunteers

Our honourable donors & supporters

JIV Daya Foundation (U.S.A)
Ms. Lovleen Chhabra
Ms. Lipika Chatterjee
Ms. Shruti Shukla
Ms. Bhumi
Mr. Sanjay Srivastava
Mr. Gurjeet Singh
Mr. Harbeer Singh
Mr. S. Meet Singh
Ms. Sarika
Mr. Kusumlata Srivastava
Ms. Richa Agarwal
Mr. Shiv Bihari Agarwal
Ms. Aradhana Tripathi
Ms. Sangeeta Bajpai
Mr. Raj Badan
Mr. Karanjeet
Mr. Ranjan Srivastava
Dr. Gurdev Singh
Dr. Nalini Srivastava
Mrs. Payal Khare
Ms. Swati Nigam
Mr. Chalamcharla Sunil Kumar
Mrs.Reeta Sethi

Ms. Anjali Ahuja Bhatia
Mr. Shiv Bihari Agarwal
Mr. Jaspreet Singh (Bareilly)
Mr. Jaspreet Singh (Lucknow)
Ms. Kirti Sharma
Mr. Raj Badaan
Mr.Anoop Srivastava & Mrs.Anuradha Srivastava
Ms. Akshara
Mr. Jasraj Singh
Ms. Swarna Batra
Mr. Rahul Mishra
Mr. Adnan Sheikh
Mr. Animesh Singh
Ms. Aadya Ushati
Mr. Deepak Dwivedi
Mr. Lalit Bhalla
Ms. Sangita Kapoor
Mr. Kumar Narayan
Mr. Vijay Tandon
Mr. Pushpinder Singh
Er. Narender Singh Monga
Mrs. Monika Srivastava

News Cuttings

Preperation & Departure

Door to Door Distribution

Counseling program for Parents

Today 09 NOV 2019 Sewa Sankalp has organized A Counseling program for Parents of Vendy Senior Secondary School Haldwani by Mr. Akankshu Srivastava (Motivational Speaker & International Parenting Coach).

About 200 parents have benefitted through this Counseling program. Parents, Mr. Vikal Bawari (M.D.Sir) & Mr.Tanu Bawari( principal) have appreciated this camp. Thank u So much Mr. and Mrs. Bawari for your kind support.

Counseling & Awareness Program for Girls of Class VI TO VIII

Counseling & Awareness Program for Girls of Class VI TO VIII

Sewa Sankalp has organized a counseling & Awareness Program for Girls of Class VI TO VIII At Sumitra Modern School Nepalapur, Sitapur by the help of Adv.Sukhpreet & Ms.Seema on 19 Aug 2019.

Mrs.Raavi Tripathi mam (Principal Sumitra Modern School) has appreciated Sewa Sankalp’s Social work.



Free Education Center Visit

Free Education Center Visit

Today On 17 Aug 2019 DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Jankipuram lucknow’s Students &Teachers  visited SEWA SANKALP Free Education Center, Lucknow. They distributed stationary, eatables, toys, clothes etc. Sewa Sankalp members arer very thankful to Ms.Neeru Bhaskar Mam (Principal Delhi Public School), Mr.Anshul Guptaji, Mr Saud (Social Club Incharge ) and thankful to lovely students for spending precious time with them.


Distribution of sarees,bedsheets,eatables stationaries and gifts

Today 16 Aug 2019 The Respective Teachers and Lovely Students of Sumitra Montessori School & Sumitra Modern Academy Sitapur (U.P) has visited Leelawati Nirashrit BalGrah Lucknow and met with many orphans, elderlies. They shared happiness by distribution of sarees, bedsheets, eatables, stationaries and gifts etc. Sewa Sankalp family members are very thankful to Sumitra Group of Schools Sitapur for giving your support and precious time.


Educational Tour for Slum Kids

Educational Tour for Slum kids

Sewa Sankalp and Regional Science Center, Lucknow has organized an Educational Tour for Slum kids of Sewa Sankalp Free Education Centers. Children enjoyed 3D Movie and observed many scientific models.

We are thankful to Mr. Neelkamal, Karamjeet ,Uma ji, Ranjana ji, Deepak, Amit, Raushan, Seema ji, Preeti, Gobind, Ritesh ji and Lovitraj for giving your precious time. Your presence and support made this tour joyful. We expect the same in future too.

Holi Celebration 2019

Team Sewa Sankalp celebrated Holi with orphans and slum kids.

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