Children from Slums Enjoy Theatre: A Dream Come True For many children living in the slums of Lucknow, simple experiences that most take for granted are but a distant dream. On February 9th, 2025, that dream became a reality for
सेवा संकल्प संस्था द्वारा गुरुद्वारा श्री गुरु नानक सत्संग सभा ,सदर लखनऊ में संचालित “सेवा संकल्प निःशुल्क स्वरोजगार प्रशिक्षण केंद्र”.आप सभी सहयोगियों एवं मित्रो का धन्यवाद।आपके सहयोग से ये महिलाएं सक्षम बन रही है
Sewa Sankalp has adopted many villages of Musahar & Adivasi to make them self-reliant by providing them, Education,Nutritious diet,distributing Milk among children & spreading Awareness related to hygiene.